Est. 1973
The Indian government has set very high targets for the power sector in the 13th five-year plan, besides trying to achieve the target set for the 12th five-year plan. Consequently, the transmission network will have to match the installed power generation capacity. But while there has been an increase in demand for Electrical Power Generation & Transmission, there exist a few hindrances, which include:
High cost to install new Power lines
Difficulty in acquiring Tower sites
Right of way (ROW)
Time involved in constructing new Power lines
Provision for future contingencies

Est. 1973

Manufacturer of Aluminium Conductors for overhead transmission and distribution of electricity.
The quality system at the facility conforms to ISO 9001-2015
Experience of manufacturing distribution and transmission conductors over three decades and one decade resp.
Product Range:
1. AAC (All Aluminium Conductor)
2. AAAC (All Aluminium Alloy Conductor)
3. ACSR (Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced )
4. ACAR (Aluminium Conductor Alloy Reinforced)
5. AACSR (Aluminium Alloy Conductor Steel Reinforced)
6. STACIR (Super Thermal Alloy Conductor Invar Reinforced)
7. ACSS (Aluminium Conductor Steel Supported)
9. Hard Drawn Grooved Copper (Contact Wire 107 Sq-mm)